About Grant

The journey started many years ago as creativity was always encouraged, but the end result is that a retired U.S. Marine with a passion to create and try new things now works from home doing so. 

In 2016, when I retired from the Marine Corps, I worked a few different jobs, went to school to become a motorcycle mechanic, built police and utility fire trucks, worked at a zoo, and then realized that none of this was allowing me to be me. There had been an empty void for a very long time.

I took the big scary leap into the world of the unknown and decided to venture out and do the things that help add to my happiness. 

The ultimate goal is to have fun, create some cool stuff, and put some smiles on other peoples faces through art. 

Paint pouring, laser art, sand layering, resin art, woodcraft, and so much more! I am a seeker of new and fun ways to create art in many forms!

Hopefully you will find something here that puts a smile on your face. If not, lets talk about the idea that you have and make something special for you or one of your loved ones!
